Na impossibilidade de escrever à todos, eu deixo aki as minhas felicitações pelo DIA do AMIGO ........ e completo dizendo que sem a convivência com o próximo nada faria sentido porque somos a projeção daquilo que projetamos nos outros independente do campo pessoal ou digital porque somos mensagens vivas daquilo que projetamos!!! UM ABRAÇO KARINHOZO NOS MIGOS E BEZITOS SINGELOS NAS MIGAS ...... Let´s Rock around the clock ......
Failing to write all, I leave here my congratulations on the FRIEND´S DAY, saying that without full and coexistence with others nothing would make sense because we are a projection of what we project on others regardless of the personal or digital or because we are living messages what we design!
A loving hug IN ALL FRIENDS and KISSES to all Ladies ...... Let's Rock around the clock ...... bezitos, Tulio
Failing to write all, I leave here my congratulations on the FRIEND´S DAY, saying that without full and coexistence with others nothing would make sense because we are a projection of what we project on others regardless of the personal or digital or because we are living messages what we design!
A loving hug IN ALL FRIENDS and KISSES to all Ladies ...... Let's Rock around the clock ...... bezitos, Tulio
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